Make It Open: Give the World's Poorest a Voice in the Fight Against Poverty

  • av: ONE (OLD)
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Cameron, President Johnson-Sirleaf, and President Yudhoyono
This spring, the UN is meeting to decide the framework for ending global poverty.

The agenda set at that meeting will affect the livelihoods, the health, and the futures of millions of the world's poorest people. But right now, those people are not involved in that agenda-setting process.

The new plan to end extreme poverty must reflect the views of the world's most vulnerable people.

Sign the petition urging world leaders to make sure the plan reflects the views of the world's most vulnerable people.
Dear Prime Minister Cameron, President Johnson-Sirleaf, and President Yudhoyono,

As you create a plan to end extreme poverty, please ensure it reflects the views of the world's most vulnerable people and that it's goals are specific, measurable and accountable.

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