Tell the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services: Don't Sabotage Open Enrollment!

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  • mottagare: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
The U.S. Department of Health And Human Services (HHS) is horrifically undermining healthcare access.  This is not okay!  They are shortening the open enrollment period for 2017 from 3 months to just 45 days, and recently announced the enrollment site will be closed most Sundays. In addition, HHS has withdrawn funding for advertising and cut the budget for navigators who help people enroll in coverage. These actions have the clear intention of sabotaging which was implemented under the Affordable Care Act, which is still law. 

For last year's open enrollment, 8.7 million individuals signed up for insurance through in 38 states. In addition, 65% of enrollees on re-enrolled, demonstrating the importance of this platform for those seeking to continue their coverage. Families should know their options for health care coverage and HHS has an obligation to ensure people can access the site, enroll, and get help with enrollment if necessary.

Tell the HHS: Stop undermining advertising and operations of—Don't sabotage Open Enrollment!
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