Justice for Children - Enforcement for Access Orders

  • av: Stacy Rae Campbell
  • mottagare: Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
We ask that Canada enforce Access Orders in Family Court.Once a court of law has determined that a child should have access to both parents that needs to be enforced.  Without this enforcment many children are being denied access to their non-custodial parent and their parent/child bond and relationships are being destroyed.Children deserve both parents.
Currently in Canada court orders pronounced outlining access and visitation of a non-custodial parent and their child are not enforced. Thousands of children are being denied their right to form a solid relationship with their non-custodial parent (in most cases, their father). In this system Child Support payments are enforced by law and can result in jail time if the non-custodial parent does not comply. However the custodial parent (in most cases, the mother) does not have to allow their children to visit the father as ordered by a Family Court Justice. We are asking that the rights of children and fathers be heard and that the federal government take the necessary steps to enforce a child's right to both parents.
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