Stop the NFL's Concussion Cover-up

Imagine if NFL teams were caught shoving wads of cash into referees' pockets. Fans would be furious!

It appears this is what the NFL is trying to do with the members of Congress investigating concussions, and the link between playing football and concussions. Three-quarters of the congressional committee participating in the investigation—41 members in total—have taken campaign contributions from the NFL totalling $292,000.

The NFL has already been caught rigging its own concussion research and trying to wrongly influence research being conducted by the National Institute of Health. These political contributions are just another example of their attempts to cover up concussions, and their willingness to put profits over player safety. Fans and players deserve better.

How can Congress stay objective while they're taking NFL campaign contributions? Sign this petition to tell Congress to stop taking NFL contributions while investigating concussions.
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