Hear Me Roar

Since it began, over 200 years ago, America promised life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to all citizens, yet is now STILL denying rights to women. Girls, it's time to stand up!

In the past, women had to fight for their rights, such as equal pay, abortion, and birth control. Yet, nowadays, even after the triumphs of the 60' and 70's, many women are still not paid equally, are denied access to birth control, and are exploited by the media.  

Stereotyping of BOTH sexes is now rampant in our culture and entertainment system. People are not free to be themselves because they are hiding behind the masks of society. Once again, like in the 50's, though not as strictly, women are expected to be the homemakers and the nurturers. They are perceived and portrayed as emotional, fragile, makeover show-obsessed pansies by television and movies, and are expected by people to be this way. People don't understand- there is no "we" or "they"- just as all men aren't the same, neither are all women.

Because of these social expectations, women are seen as "different"  or "special" and are not given the same rights as men.

Sign this petition to tell the government to make sure that both sexes are given equal treatment under the law, also to tell them to help women around the world (non-US signers, this is where you come in), and to tell America and the world that we won't stand to be treated as anything but the individuals we are!

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