Stop Flint From Putting Tax Liens on Thousands of Residents Over Water Bills!

  • av: Llowell W
  • mottagare: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, Flint Mayor Karen Weaver

More than 8,000 residents in Flint, Mich., are facing possible tax liens against their homes over unpaid water bills. That’s right – because people are not paying for poisoned water, they may be facing homelessness.

This is outrageous because this is undoubtedly due to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder telling Flint that the state would no longer subsidize the city’s water.

It is especially incredible, as many of these homeowners have been paying their water bill – it was only after the city installed new water meters that it was “discovered” that they had been undercharged and suddenly owed huge amounts of back payments.

Tell the officials of Flint that those who have been living with poisoned water for three years now must not be forced out of their homes over bureaucratic failures and tell Gov. Snyder that he must sign a new bill allocating new funds for Flint and pledge to help its citizens keep their homes by adding your name to and sharing this petition!

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