Make Skittles Vegetarian in the USA

Skittles are a fun and delicious tasting candy.  They would be vegetarian, except that the company puts the unnecessary ingredient gelatin in them.
In Europe Skittles do not contain gelatin and are vegetarian.
It should be the same in the United States.
Even if you aren't vegetarian, taking the gelatin out of skittles won't hurt, in fact taking the gelatin out of skittles will do nothing but good.
Because then vegetarians and non vegetarians can enjoy them, instead of only non-vegetarians being able to enjoy them.

Skittles are small, round fruit chews that come in hard, sugar shells with the letter "s" printed on them, representing the candy's name. They are similar in outward appearance to the plain variety of the chocolate M&M's, which, like Skittles, are produced by MasterFoods, a division of Mars, Incorporated.

Skittles Bite Size Candies, originally made by a company in England, were first introduced in the United States in 1974. Around 1981-1982, the production of Skittles began in the United States.[1][2] Skittles sold in the United Kingdom are made in the Czech Republic, where Mars, Incorporated makes them for export to many European Union markets. The company also produces the product in Victoria, Australia, for distribution in the New Zealand market.

Skittles are a non-kosher food and not vegetarian in the USA. However in Europe they are kosher and vegetarian because they do not contain any gelatin.

Think how easy it would be to make them vegetarian so that everyone could enjoy them.

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