Protect Mothers Who Remove Children from Domestic Violence

Every year across the Globe, thousands of mothers remove their children from domestic violence. We want stronger laws to protect these mothers and children from being returned to the abuser. We want a shift in the burden of proof: because of the extremely high risk to the children, the burden of proof should be on the abuser to prove he did NOT engage in domestic violence against the mother or the children before he is allowed to have access to the child. Abusive fathers should be prevented from "manipulating the system" in order to take revenge on, stalk or harass the mother.
We want stronger laws to protect mothers and children against being returned to an abusive parent or guardian.
We want a shift in the burden of proof: because of the extremely high risk to the children, the burden of proof should be on the abuser to prove he did not engage in domestic violence against the mother or the children.
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