Take Down the Sickening "Slaying of Sandy Hook" Video Game

  • av: Jen Johnson
  • mottagare: Googumproduce.com, swfchan.org, swfcabin.com, Pog.com

An online computer game titled "The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary" allows players to re-enact Adam Lanza's actions the day of the Dec. 14 shootings that killed 20 children.

The game walks through the entire day of the shooting, forcing the player to "Shoot your mother" in her sleep, and gun down students and teachers in the elementary school.

The game's creator is claiming that he made this disturbing simulation to spark a conversation about gun control – but regardless of his intentions, guiding gamers step by step through the actions of a killer is no way to stop shootings.

One website has already removed the game, but it's still on the internet and available for anybody, even children, to play.

Please sign now to demand that the game's creator and distributors remove "The Slaying of Sandy Hook" immediately.

Please remove the game "The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary" from your site.

While the game was intended to promote stricter gun control measures, in reality it is retraumatizing for many people and it is unrealistic that gamers being taken step by step through Adam Lanza's actions will understand this message.

Mental illness and gun control are serious issues that need to be addressed, and this video game is both offensive and ineffective at combating these problems. Please remove it immediately and commit to keeping it off the internet.

Thank you,
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