Shepherd Out!

  • av: Roland Deschain
  • mottagare: Freddy Shepherd, Chairman, Newcastle United
This is a petition to gain support against Freddy Shepherd, the lecherous, money grabbing cancer infecting Newcastle United.
His mistakes are countless - from Souness to Roeder, from sacking Bond to sacking Robson, without even mentioning the extortionate pay he receives, this man is a dreadful chairman. He has made a great club with proud fans a laughing stock. His desire to be in the limelight, the constant lies (money to spend in January, anyone?) and his general jobs-for-geordies policy has seen this club degenerate from Premiership contenders to Intertoto wannabe's, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

It's time for him to go - his greed will not allow the club to be bought by investors, his ignorance will not allow the club to employ people who will take it forward. He hasn't a bean to invest himself and the only money the club has EVER spent has been yours, mine and the banks. Come in Shepherd, your time is up.
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