Pledge to break down barriers for refugees

Many refugees have experienced the unimaginable. They've fled in fear. From war, persecution, and violence. They've lost their families. Their homes. Their livelihoods.

But how do you start to heal, in an unfamiliar country, when you're completely alone?

When refugees reach the UK, yet more hardship may be waiting. Isolation. A new language. A different work culture. Stigma and suspicion. Discrimination.

Shockingly, refugees are four times more likely to be unemployed than people born in the UK. And, often, they have nobody to help them to find work. Nobody to help them find purpose, financial independence, or the chance to start to heal.

Please sign the Breaking Barriers pledge for refugees today:

I believe every refugee deserves a fair chance to find meaningful employment. I'll do all I can to make my workplace welcoming and supportive, to help break down the barriers so refugees can build a new life.

When you've lost everything, work heals. Make the pledge today to start breaking barriers for refugees.
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