License Asian Television Dramas to the United States

This Petition is being created in hopes to bring attention to FUNimation Productions LTD., that we the fans want to see our favorite TV dramas subbed/dubbed and properly released in the United States!
FUNimation, we are signing this petition in hopes that you will see how many fans of Asian, Live Action Television there really are.

Over the years we've watched as anime series after anime series have been licensed, and brought to us here in the United States. This is just proving an amazing feat and showing us how popular Japanese culture is becoming in the United States,and around the globe. This does not allow us, however, to see the actual actors and stars in Asia that many of us want to see here in the United States.

We the fans are signing this petition in order to show you how much we want to see our favorite Asian Live Action TV dramas licensed in the United States!

We are asking you, FUNimation Productions LTD., because we believe your company would truly put heart into the production of the dubbing and subbing of these amazing series. With the time and effort you put forth towards your anime releases, we know that you could do the same for Asian TV Dramas.
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