Exporting Live Cows Is Pure Torture. Brazil Banned It, and Now It's Australia's Turn.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese
Brazil banned live cow exports for good, which is incredible news for animal welfare. Last year alone, the country exported over 150,000 living, breathing, feeling cows, forcing them to suffer under the extreme conditions of international travel before being slaughtered at their destination. This new ban will protect millions of cows from future suffering!

Now, it's time Australia steps up and commits to the same ban!

Sign now to demand Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese make a strong commitment to animal welfare by banning exports of live cows!

Australia exports hundreds of thousands of live cows for slaughter every year, and the conditions are brutal.

Research shows that cows and other animals suffer immensely during international travel. Unfortunately, cows' comfort couldn't matter less to those who pack them to the point of nearly suffocating or trampling one another.

Many of these poor animals are denied food and water, causing extreme thirst and hunger. There is also no regulation on the temperatures of the containers they are shipped in, nor are the journeys limited to mild weather months, so sweltering heat or bitter cold grip the cows as they struggle to stay alive.

Cows are living beings, capable of fear and pain. We must treat them with kindness and respect -- and that means no longer shipping them like cargo with a complete disregard for their feelings or needs.

During his campaign for Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese said his party was committed to phasing out live sheep exports. So we know he could make the same compassionate choice for cows, too!

Australia and its government must show it is committed to protecting the well-being of live animals and commit to ending the export of livestock now. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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