Supernatural Fans for a Third Season

  • av: Pam & Rhonda Mulkey
  • mottagare: Dawn Ostroff, President of Entertainment, The CW Television Network

The purpose of this petition is to make sure that the persons in charge at the CW Television Network know how we Supernatural fans feel about the show, that we want a third season, and that the show should be ordered and put on the 2007 fall schedule.

Dear Ms. Ostroff,

Supernatural fans are providing a united front with this petition. We want our favorite show to have a third season and be placed on the 2007 fall schedule. The writing and acting on Supernatural are superior to anything else out there on television, and we will all be tuned in every week, even for the re-runs! Please keep our favorite show on the CW for us, the many, the loyal, the rabid Supernatural fans.

Thank you,

Supernatural Fans Everywhere
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