Appeal to keep the Hershey Moir's Plant in Dartmouth, NS Open

The US based Hershey company aquired the Moir's plant, located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1987 and has announced that it will be shutting the plant down at the end of the year.  This is the last Hershey plant in Canada and the company claims the work will be going to Mexico.  More than jobs will be lost as the history behind the Moir's plant is extensive and this all but puts and end to that legacy.

This will put 580 employees out of work.  While the right and necessity to make a profit in the corporate world is recognised, I encourage everyone supporting this cause to boycott Hershey products and sign your name on this petition to show The Hershey Company that some corporate accountability is necessary, other than the almighty dollar, when ethical business practises are supposedly implemented.
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