AZ 'N' Word Resolution

The “N” word, regardless who uses it, is the most enduring symbol of the enslavement and oppression of African Americans and indicates a lack of self worth and disrespect of the positive contributions by African Americans.
RESOLUTION RENOUNCING AND DENOUNCING USE OF THE “N” WORD: The ‘N’ Word Resolution. WHEREAS, Black History did not start with the arrival of African people to the shores of America as enslaved persons; and WHEREAS, the “N” word cannot be traced to any African language, and WHEREAS, the “N” word is a term slave owners used to label their African captives; and WHEREAS, the “N” word is a degrading, demeaning and derogatory term usually applied to people of African ancestry in America; and WHEREAS, the “N” word is, and has been, used as a label of inferiority by racists to diminish the role and status of African Americans, and to place African Americans at the lowest level of humanity; and WHEREAS, there is no positive meaning of the “N” word in any written or spoken language; and WHEREAS, the “N” word, regardless who uses it, is the most enduring symbol of the enslavement and oppression of African Americans and indicates a lack of self worth and disrespect of the positive contributions by African Americans; and WHEREAS, the “N” word remains damaging, derogatory and divisive; and WHEREAS, the use of the “N” word by any African American indicates a lack of self-respect and knowledge of our history and helps create, maintain and perpetuate a slave mentality, a negative stereotypical image, and a negative image of African American people; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I hereby renounce and denounce the use of the “N” word and hereby calls upon all Black individuals, families, churches, leaders, businesses, organizations, celebrities, and entertainers to renounce and denounce the use of the “N” word.  
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