Petition to name a street in Las Vegas after Nikola Tesla.

  • av: Prof. Michael Pravica
  • mottagare: Oscar Goodman, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, City of Las Vegas Government
We seek to have a street in Las Vegas, NV named after one of the world's greatest yet forgotten geniuses, Nikola Tesla. 

     2006 was the sesquicentennial of the birth of one of the world’s greatest geniuses: the Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla.  20th Century progenitor, his many inventions include: radio, alternating current, fluorescent lighting, radar, remote control and hydroelectric power. Though  few human beings have not been impacted by his many inventions, few people are aware of the person who  literally transformed our way of life at the turn of the 20th Century. 
     It is in this spirit of recognizing this forgotten genius that I encourage the leaders of the City of Las Vegas to name a street in his honor especially as there is already a street named after Thomas Edison. Tesla's inventions have so greatly impacted Las Vegas via Hoover dam, air conditioning, neon lighting on the strip, radar, radio, remote control, and many others.  Las Vegas, the "city of lights" is literally illuminated today because of Tesla's invention of alternating current. 

Prof. Michael Pravica

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