Stop Kea'au High School from mandating students involved in sports to take the experimental and non FDA approved Covid 19 vaccine.

The Kea'au High school is trying to mandate an emergency use and non FDA approved Covid 19 vaccine for students playing and involved in sports. Forcing anyone to take this vaccine is against our constitutional rights in the United States of America. If a person chooses with the advice of their doctor, knowing all the side affects to get this vaccine it is their right and they are entitled to medical privacy.
Kea'au High school needs to keep private any and all medical information regarding their students. Many parents and students and faculty who have received the vaccine supposedly are protected Covid 19. Since Covid 19 has a 99.9% survival rate, others should not be mandated for any reason to accept the Covid 19 vaccine if they choose not to. This decision is private and under doctor client privilege's.
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