Save the Margate Mural

We would like to bring to your attention a unique wall mural in Mansion Street, Margate which you may or may not be aware of. It is opposite Margate's oldest pub, The Northern Belle where the street takes a right angled bend around the pub and is made up of lifesized and lifelike figures of the landlord and several regular patrons. It has become something of a tourist attraction as it can clearly be seen from Marine Drive and visitors walk up to have their photographs taken whilst standing in front of it.
However, the wall is now in danger of being demolished as planning has been granted for a new development of apartments.
The reason for my letter is to see if anything can be done to preserve the wall and its much admired and trasured mural.
On a more poignant note, one of the paintings is of Mrs Debbie Murray, a much loved and admired resident of Margate who sadly passed away in her early fifties and whose funeral in October was so well attended it brought the traffic to a standstill en route to the crematorium, so the wall is also a memorial to her.
It would be a shame to lose, forever, one of Margate's newest and totally unique tourist attractions.

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