Defend the Heroes of Detroit! No Retaliation Against or Punishment of Southwestern and Western High

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012  over 200 students from Southwestern and Western walked out and held a peaceful and spirited protest against school closings and to defend public education in Detroit.  They choose to take this action because they knew that pleading or arguing with Roy Roberts or Gov. Rick Synder is useless.  He already knows his statistics are inaccurate.  He knows the school closures will destroy the neighborhoods around them.  He knows the students will suffer.  We all know that if Southwestern HIgh School closes, many students will be deprived of an integrated, bold, united school atmosphere.

By having over 180 students suspended and expelled Roberts made clear that he will use intimidation tactics to force these school closures.  He may try to further intimidate us by more suspensions, firing supporters, and bringing other charges. However, we stand with all the protestors and are prepared to defend them.

We the undersigned, demand that there be no retaliation or discipline of any of the participants in or supporters of the walkout to keep the schools open.  

We call on the reversal and/or dismissal of all current suspensions and expulsions 

We support those who protested for defending public education and are committed to defending them against any unfair punishment. 

Petition Sponsored by Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) 

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