Induct Chet Helms into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

We the undersigned would like to recommend that the late Chet Helms be nominated and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

He was a major influence in the history, evolution, development and spirit of the modern rock concert, the 60's "San Francisco Sound" and rock and roll music. We urge you to induct Chet Helms to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Thank You.
We the undersigned would like to suggest that the late Chet Helms be nominated and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

He was a major influence on the history, evolution, development and spirit of the modern rock concert, the 60's "San Francisco sound" and rock and roll music.

We urge you to induct Chet Helms to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Thank You.
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