Washington D.C. Deserves Equal Rights

  • av: DC Vote
  • mottagare: US Congress
Like all Americans, the 600,000 residents of the District of Columbia pay income taxes and serve their country in times of war. These are teachers, firemen, businessmen and women, and all of them are citizens of the United States.

Yet for more than 200 years, District residents have been denied voting representation in Congress, the very body that controls every aspect of the city's judicial, executive, and legislative functions.

Time has come for Congress to end taxation without representation.

Tell Congress that you support bringing democracy to America’s Capital!

We, the undersigned, believe that the residents of the District of Columbia, as full and equal American citizens, have an inalienable right to be represented by fully empowered representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

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[Your address]

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