Empower Women with Opportunity

Savings, loans, insurance and training. These financial services are so crucial for anyone starting or managing a business that many of us take them for granted. Yet for millions of women living in Africa — struggling to feed their families and work their way out of poverty — these basic resources are out of reach.

Women make up 70 percent of those living on less than $2 per day. Providing a woman with the financial tools she needs to break out of poverty has an enormous impact on her family and her community. With money in the bank and loans to grow her business, she is empowered to improve nutrition, health and education for her children. With increased confidence in her own abilities, she employs her neighbors and takes a leadership role in her village, helping others to provide for their families and build more fulfilling lives.

Opportunity International helps women get the tools and training they need to work their way out of poverty. Pledge your support today to empower women entrepreneurs in Africa and around the world.
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