Protect Patient Privacy

What if your employer and all the insurance companies knew you were taking Xanex, your spouse had cancer, or your kid was trying a medication for ADHD?

Guess what. All our prescription data is FOR SALE.

All 51,000 pharmacies in the U.S. sell and share your information. You can't keep your prescriptions private, even if you pay cash.

Selling prescription records is a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and here's just one way this information can cause real harm: an untold number of people have been rejected for medical coverage for a reason they never could have guessed -- insurance companies buy prescription profiles and screen out applicants based on their drug purchases.

How can we stop our private, sensitive information from being bought and sold like shares on Wall Street? We start at the top.

Tell our next President to take our private prescriptions off the market. For every signature, Patient Privacy Rights will deliver to the next President an empty pill bottle labeled "Not for sale or resale without my permission...Mr. President, please make Privacy a Priority."

Send a pill bottle that reads:

"Not for sale or resale without my permission...Mr. President, please make Privacy a Priority"
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