We ask Hot Toys to include a battle damaged headsculpt and battle damaged bodyparts into the MMS DX1

Hot Toys is a company spezialised in creating and releasing mainly 12" Figures licensed from movies and videogames.

Established in 2000, Hot Toys became and is now a leading, if not THE leading company to produce such very detailed moviefigures in the 1/6th scale.

They constantly improved and refined their capabilities in head sculpting, painting and recreation of actors such like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Silvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jr., Christian Bale and so on...

Of course, these figures are collectors items and cost way more than "usual" 7" action figures available at Wal Mart or comic stores.

To get a glimpse of the great quality of their work see their japanese website here:

In addition to their MMS Series (MovieMasterpieceSeries) they added the DX category to this line of moviefigures.

The special about these figures are headsculpts that feature eyes with translucent irises. In addition, the eyes are movable.
That system is called PERS (Parallel Eyeball Rolling System).
A DX figure usually features more additional weapons, clothing, and sometimes more headsculpts than a normal figure of the MMS line. Also there is a special type of stand included, using LED lights to illuminate the figure.
Of couse, it comes at an extra cost.

Recently Hot Toys announced the 10th figure to be featured in the DX product line:
Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T800 from Terminator 2 - Judgment Day.

A T800 was already released in 2010 as a normal MMS figure, featuring clothing and weapons as seen in the movie.

The new DX T800 figure as now announced will NOT feature more weapons, clothing etc. than the previous "normal" priced T800.
Hot Toys will not include the Endoskeletonarm from the "Dysons house" scene, no box of roses as seen in the "shopping mall" scene and no black t-shirt.
Also will certain swappable hands be sculpted as gloved hands.
Instead of  the arm, Hot Toys will add a minigun, ammobelt and ammobag.
The figure will also feature a grenade launcher as an additional weapon.
Hot Toys does plan to include not the usual DX line stand but a kind of "recycled" stand from a figure from the TRON: Legacy movie.

As much as the fans appreciate the well deserved inclusion of Arnold Schwarzenegger into the DX line, there has been a certain uproar among the fans of Hot Toys.
On the one side a new, improved T800 figure is good for all people who started collecting Hot Toys figures after 2010.
On the other hand it's a kind of slap into the face of all long year supporters of Hot Toys.
They already own a T800 figure with almost the same accessories.
All the fans "begged" Hot Toys for releasing a "late movie" version of a T2 T800, like with a battle damaged face, damaged bodyparts etc. for two years.

But now in that case, I want to start this petition to ask Hot Toys for an answer why they seem to "rip off" their long year supporters by planning such a watered down release without battle damaged parts and headsculpt.
The long year fans should be served with additional accessories to honor their long year support, making Hot Toys success and progress over the last five years possible!

Usually Hot Toys does not openly or publicly reply to wishes and feedback on their facebook site.
Fans don't like that state, but most of the fans arranged with that kind of "customer relations". 

I asked on facebook why there is no additional headsculpt planned, if there is the possibility for including one or if there are legal reasons for them not supporting a battle damaged headsculpt.
Unfortunatly I got no answer...

We new and long year fans now unite in this petition to ask Hot toys:
- could you guys please include additional bd parts and headsculpt to the DX10 figure?
- if not, could you give us a feedback why not?
- can we expect an additional T2 T800 figure including these parts in the future?
- and finally: Hot Toys, please start communicating with your supporting fans in an active and reactive way at facebook!

Chris Eissel 

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