Teacher Drowns Helpless Raccoons in Front of Students

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Forest High School officials and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
It's a horrifying act by any standards — and it was all caught on video. An agriculture teacher at a Florida high school took students out of class and showed them how to forcibly drown two helpless raccoons.

The teacher, Dewie Brenton, was reportedly upset that raccoons had been harming chickens the class had been raising. The shocking video shows Brenton dunking a scared raccoon trapped inside a metal cage in a garbage bin filled with water.

This was an exercise in cruelty — plain and simple. Please sign the petition to hold this teacher accountable and have him investigated for his horrific actions.

The video was released to the media after one student showed his mother the upsetting video — saying that Brenton also had the class kill an opossum "for sport."

The student's mother told reporters that as the raccoons struggled to survive, Brenton and students "held them down with metal rods. And when the raccoon would try to pop its head up, they held water hoses in its face to drown it."

According to Florida Fish and Game, raccoons and oppossums are considered "nuisance" animals and can be legally trapped during daylight hours. But they must be released or humanely euthanized. This teacher choose to torture and kill these animals in front of impressionable teenagers — even making students participate in the heartbreaking act.

Sign and share to ask Forest High School officials to fire Mr. Brenton for his cruelty and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again at the school.
Update #16 years ago
Great news! The teacher who did this has resigned! However, the state is still investigating this incident and so we must keep our pressure up to be sure this isn’t forgotten!
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