Give the FDA Authority Over Tobacco Products

Does it make any sense that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can regulate the content and packaging of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese but not that of Marlboro cigarettes, when both are made by Philip Morris, one of the largest tobacco companies in the world?

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 known chemical compounds – 69 of which are known or probable cancer-causing chemicals - but tobacco companies are not required to list any of these ingredients on their products. Does THAT make sense?

FDA authority over tobacco makes sense. FDA authority over tobacco products would not result in a ban – it would simply allow the FDA to oversee and regulate tobacco as it does other consumer products.

What would FDA authority over tobacco products mean?
  • Limiting the sale of tobacco products to children.
  • Limiting tobacco industry marketing and promotion.
  • Disclosure of ALL ingredients in tobacco products, including additives, and chemicals in secondhand smoke.
  • Meaningful warning labels on tobacco products.
Help us pass some commonsense legislation to protect public health - sign this petition today!
NOTE: When you sign this petition, you will get updates about tobacco related issues from ThePetitionSite partner, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids.
Dear Senator:

I am writing to urge you to support bipartisan legislation that would grant the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversight over tobacco products.

Every day in this country, more than 2,000 children become regular smokers. Roughly one-third of them will eventually die from a tobacco-related disease.

Unlike the manufacturer of any other product consumed by Americans, tobacco companies have continued to escape even the most basic oversight. For example, tobacco companies are not required to test additives for safety purposes, inform consumers what is in their products or take any action to make their products less harmful or less addictive when it is possible to do so.

Please support meaningful FDA legislation that is supported by public health groups. Good legislation will help stop millions of children from a lifetime of tobacco addiction. Thank you for considering my comments. I look forward to reading your response.


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