The South region of Porto Alegre in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has an important forest cover inhabited by a rich wildlife, including species facing the risk of extinction, such as the brown howler monkey. Sadly, roadkills are very common in the region because of the lack of measures to mitigate the impact of the traffic of automotive vehicles on wildlife. Demand the Department of Transportation (DAER) to install speed reducers, road signs advertising the crossing of wildlife and rope bridges in the locations with frequent roadkills.
----------- em português: -----------
A zona sul de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, possui um importante cinturão verde que abriga uma rica fauna silvestre, incluindo espécies ameaçadas de extinção, tais como o bugio-ruivo. Infelizmente, muitos animais são atropelados diariamente pela ausência de medidas mitigadoras do impacto da circulação de veículos automotivos na fauna. Exija do Departamento Autônomo de Estradas e Rodovias (DAER) a instalação de redutores de velocidade, placas sinalizadoras da travessia de animais silvestres e pontes de corda nos trechos com atropelamentos frequentes (e.g., rodovia Frei Pacífico).
Update #55 years ago
Dear supporters,
Unfortunately the previous DAER's director did not keep his promises!
So, we need to reinforce the petition with more signatures to demand the new director to make the needed changes to protect our wildlife from being killed in this road. Howler monkeys and many other wild species continue to die.
Thank you!
Update #46 years ago
We reached more than 27,000 signatures and DAER agreed to make the necessary road adaptations to STOP ROADKILLS in the south zone of Porto Alegre!
We thank Care2 and all those who have believed in this cause, signed and shared the petition!
The general director of DAER-RS, engineer Rogério Brasil Uberti, promised to have the changes done in the next couple of months!
Update #36 years ago
We reached 12,000 signatures and set a new goal: 20,000!!! Please keep signing and sharing to end roadkills!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!
Atingimos 12.000 assinaturas e estabelecemos uma nova meta: 20.000!!! Por favor, continuem assinando e compartilhando para acabar com os atropelamentos da fauna silvestre!!! MUITO OBRIGADO A TODOS!!!
Update #26 years ago
We reached a new milestone!!! 5,000 signatures!!! Please keep signing and sharing!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!
Atingimos uma importante marca!!! 5.000 assinaturas!!! Por favor, continuem assinando e compartilhando!!! MUITO OBRIGADO A TODOS!!!
Update #16 years ago
We just reached 1,000 signatures!!! Please keep signing and sharing the petition!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!
Acabamos de atingir 1.000 assinaturas!!! Por favor, continuem assinando e compartilhando a petição!!! OBRIGADO A TODOS!!!