SAVE the Animals at Lion’s Gate Sanctuary

  • by: Joan Laub
  • recipient: Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners in Elbert County, Colorado

We are speaking for the 18 animals that don't have a voice!! Please speak on their behalf.  We have increased our petition number to 1,000 - we need all the support we can get for them!

We are requesting approval for a Special Use Permit to re-locate Lion’s Gate Sanctuary from its present location on 42 acres to another piece of property on 85 acres for the safety and well being of the animals.  Both properties are in Elbert County and are zoned A (Agricultural).  The zoning regulations allow for a Sanctuary for non-domestic animals in the A zoning classification as a Use by Special Review (SUR).  This is not a request for a change in zoning.  The reason for re-location is due to ongoing flooding and flood-related damage caused to the existing facility. The flooding and resulting damage prevents us from reasonably continuing our operation and caring for our animals safely.  Officials from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife have already conducted an on-site inspection of the property and authorized a move for the Sanctuary.

Lion’s Gate Sanctuary has been in Elbert County, Colorado since 1993.  It is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation licensed by the State of Colorado, Division of Natural Resources, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife.  The Sanctuary provides a place of refuge and care for abused, neglected, unwanted, abandoned, and displaced captive wildlife for their lifetime.  Currently, we provide a permanent home to four lions, seven tigers, six bears and one wolf.  The lions and tigers are on the endangered species list.  The sanctuary is not open to the public and does not receive any funding from the government.

We are requesting approval for a Special Use Permit to re-locate Lion’s Gate Sanctuary from its present location on 42 acres to another piece of property on 85 acres for the safety and well being of the animals.  Both properties are in Elbert County and are zoned A (Agricultural).  The zoning regulations allow for a Sanctuary for non-domestic animals in the A zoning classification as a Use by Special Review (SUR).  This is not a request for a change in zoning.  The reason for re-location is due to ongoing flooding and flood-related damage caused to the existing facility. The flooding and resulting damage prevents us from reasonably continuing our operation and caring for our animals safely.  Officials from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife have already conducted an on-site inspection of the property and authorized a move for the Sanctuary.

Approval of this SUR will preclude any flood-related problems and ensure that the sanctuary is safe and that the public welfare is protected. Approval of this request would allow the continuation of care for the rescued and endangered animals that currently reside at Lion’s Gate Sanctuary. We are facing opposition from neighboring property owners that is largely based on unwarranted fear. Attempts at education have failed although we are still trying.

Please help the animals at Lion’s Gate Sanctuary by helping us get approval for the SUR in Elbert County.

Update #77 years ago
Dear Supporters,

Elbert County Planning approved the application. At the Planning Commission meeting on March 21 we prevailed 5 to 3.

On April 12, 2017, we were DENIED by all three County Commissioners. We were not denied as a matter of law but because the County Commissioners caved to the bullies.

Thank you for all your support. It meant nothing to the Elbert County Commissioners and everything to us.
Update #67 years ago
LGS Supporters,
We had our first hearing on March 14 from 7 to 11 pm. There were many supporters and many in opposition present. Since we ran out of time we adjourned to March 21 at 7:00 pm. to finish.

We remain hopeful that Elbert County officials will not be bullied by those who oppose with no basis in fact.

Update #57 years ago
Lion's Gate Supporters,

We had our first hearing on February 14, 2017 with the Planning Commissioners of Elbert County. So many people showed up that we had to move to a bigger building. Unfortunately, there was no equipment available at the larger building. So, the hearing was continued until March 14, 2017.

I will keep you all posted. And again and always, thank you.
Update #37 years ago
Lion's Gate Sanctuary Supporters,

Still waiting on hearing dates. We are very frustrated but have no choice but to see this through. I will provide more information as things start to move.

Update #27 years ago
Thank you all for your support. Our animals deserve to live out their lives in peace. We are awaiting hearing dates with the Planning Commissioners and Board of County Commissions. Please send this petition to everyone you know. We need all the help and support we can get.

Joan, Peter and all the residents that call LGS home.
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