My dog Leia was murdered with strychnine by a Serial dog killer running loose for 5 years in Lakes area of Las Vegas. We must Tell metro 2 more detectives are needed in animal cruelty dept in order to solve this case and others like it.PLEASE SHARE

On March 28th a monster threw a meat pack with strychnine into my back yard in the Lakes area of Las Vegas and poisoned my 3 dogs and killed my dog Leia.  This same person has been doin this for 5 years and getting away with it in my neighborhood to other neighbors.

Search intensifies for suspect poisoning dogs in The Lakes

The animal cruelty department of Las Vegas's Metropolitan police department consists of only 2 Detectives. The amount of animal cruelty cases in Las Vegas is entirely too much for just 2 detectives to handle on their own. This petition is demanding that 2 more detectives be added to the animal cruelty department of Metro. Please help by signing and sharing this petition and let our elected officials in Las Vegas know that our pets are family members and deserve the same protections and justice. We must strengthen the animal cruelty department and send a message that we wont stand for this to anyone who would try to hurt our pets.

Update #15 years ago
hello everyone. we are currently at 872 signatures and metro refuses to comment on this petition which means they arent taking it serious and that we need more to make them rake it seriously. Thankyou to everyone for taking the time to sign and share bit please reshare the link for the petition so we can get more signatures. All the pets In Las Vegas
deserve better than what just 2 detectives can do.
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