Call for a boycott of all Tiriac businesses to protest the Balc wild boar hunt

English: We, the undersigned, as ethical persons and people of conscience, declare our intention not to support, even implicitly, the event organized every year in January near Balc, Romania, by Mr. Ion Tiriac (famous Romanian tennis player, now a businessman and the richest man in Romania). Therefore, we will pull out any contribution and in the future we will avoid involvement as clients in any Tiriac companies. We consider that the Balc wild boar hunts, during which the  invited guests (foreign and Romanian politicians and big business tycoons, partners or potential partners of Ion Tiriac) kill about 200 animals each year, are in essence massacres disguised as entertainment and "sport" for VIPs.
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Noi, subsemnatii, ca oameni etici si de constiinta, ne declaram intentia de a nu sustine nici macar implicit evenimentul organizat de D-nul Ion Tiriac la Balc in fiecare an in luna ianuarie. Astfel, vom retrage orice contributie si pe viitor vom evita cooperarea ca si clienti cu vreuna din firmele Tiriac. Gasim ca vanatorile de mistreti de la Balc, in cadrul carora invitatii (politicieni si mari magnati romani si straini, parteneri sau potentiali parteneri de afaceri ai lui Ion Tiriac) ucid in jur de 200 de animale in fiecare an, inseamna in esenta masacre deghizate ca distractie si "sport" pentru VIP-uri.
Va rugam cititi la sfarsitul paginii toata petitia si angajamentul pe care vi-l luati prin semnarea acestei petitii [dupa varianta in engleza, urmeaza cea in romana].

We, the undersigned, as ethical persons and people of conscience, declare our intention not to support, even implicitly, the event organized every year in January near Balc, Romania, by Mr. Ion Tiriac (famous Romanian tennis player, now a businessman and the richest man in Romania). Therefore, we will pull out any contribution and in the future we will avoid involvement as clients in any Tiriac companies. We consider that the Balc wild boar hunts, during which the  invited guests (foreign and Romanian politicians and big business tycoons, partners or potential partners of Ion Tiriac) kill about 200 animals each year, are in essence massacres disguised as entertainment and "sport" for VIPs.

Besides the "bloody sport" aspect with which we cannot agree, we are also indignant about the fumact that, as all the evidence would indicate, this hunt was an illegal activity. According to Order No. 315/2006 given by the Romanian Minister of Agriculture, the maximum quota of animals that can be "harvested" on the designated hunting grounds (belonging to AVPS Wild Boar) is of 50 wild boars (of which only 10 can be shot by foreign hunters) - which is clearly surpassed by the number of animals killed by Mr. Tiriac's guests. On the other hand, if the hunt occurred not on the "designated hunting grounds" but "in the pen," this would violate Legislative Act 250/2004 regarding animal protection, which forbids opening fire against domestic animals or animals in captivity. The same problem of the illegality of the anual Balc hunt has come up in previous years, but this fact does not seem to affect Mr. Tiriac in any way, especially with organizing these events that each year grow in magnitude and attract more and more "eminent" guests.

Because the funds that allow Mr. Ion Tiriac to stage these hunts come partly from the clients who invest in one way or another in the companies owned by him, we commit ourselves to boycotting all the various enterprises under the Tiriac Holding umbrella. Among these are HVB Tiriac Bank, Allianz Tiriac Asigurari Romania, Tiriac Leasing, TiriacAuto, Tiriac Travel, Ion Tiriac Air.

We hope that this gesture will have an effect and will be some food for thought for the people whom it targets - Mr. Ion Tiriac and those who have participated in the Balc hunts in the past: Ion Ion Tiriac, Romanian politicians Adrian Nastase, Petre Roman, Ilie Sarbu, Klaus Mangold (president of Daimler Chrysler Service), Wolfgang Porsche (owner of the well-known sports car maker), Julius Meinl (owner of the food industry empire), Burckhard Bergmann (CEO of Ruhrgas), princes Max Emanuel von Thurn und Taxis and Dimitrie Sturdza, Siegfried Wolf (president of the Magna Europa auto-parts company), Spanish bankers Jose Merino Jimenez, Gonzalo Merino Nieto and Jose Luis Zanetti Duenas from Spain, Carlo Pesenti (president of the Italcementi Group), Franz Rauch (the largest producer of natural juices in Europe), Rudolf Streicher (Austrian politician, former minister), Mark Miles (former president of the Professional Tennis Association), businessmen Elan Schwartzenberg, Sandu Georgescu and Dragos Dobrescu (real estate), Tinu Sebesanu (general manager of Howard Johnson Grand Plaza) and many others - and that it will put a stop to the organizing of these bloody events in the future.

Chemare la boicot al firmelor Tiriac ca protest impotriva vanatorilor de la Balc

Noi, subsemnatii, ca oameni etici si de constiinta, ne declaram intentia de a nu sustine nici macar implicit evenimentul organizat de D-nul Ion Tiriac la Balc in fiecare an in luna ianuarie. Astfel, vom retrage orice contributie si pe viitor vom evita cooperarea ca si clienti cu vreuna din firmele Tiriac. Gasim ca vanatorile de mistreti de la Balc, in cadrul carora invitatii (politicieni si  mari magnati romani si straini, parteneri sau potentiali parteneri de afaceri ai lui Ion Tiriac) ucid in jur de 200 de animale in fiecare an, inseamna in esenta masacre deghizate ca distractie si "sport" pentru VIP-uri.

Pe langa aspectul propriu-zis de "sport sangeros" cu care nu putem fi de acord, ne indigneaza si faptul ca aceasta vanatoare a fost, dupa toate indiciile, un act ilegal. Potrivit Ordinului 315/2006 al ministrului agriculturii, cota maxima pentru "recoltarea" animalelor pe terenul destinat fondului de vanatoare (detinut de AVPS Wild Boar) ar fi de 50 de mistreti (din care doar 10 pot fi impuscati de vanatori straini) - pe care numarul de animale ucise de invitatii D-nului Tiriac o depaseste clar. Pe de alta parte, daca vanatoarea a fost efectuata nu "pe terenul fondului de vanatoare" ci "in tarc", aceasta ar contraveni Legii 250/2004 privind protectia animalelor prin care se interzice executarea tirului asupra animalelor domestice sau celor aflate in captivitate. Aceeasi problema a ilegalitatii vanatorii anuale de la Balc a mai aparut si in anii precedenti, un fapt ce nu pare sa-l afecteze deloc pe D-nul Tiriac, in special cu organizarea acestor evenimente care in fiecare an sunt de tot mai mare amploare si cu invitati tot mai "de seama".

Pentru ca fondurile care ii permit D-nului Ion Tiriac sa puna in scena aceste vanatori provin in parte de la clientii care investesc intr-un fel sau altul in firmele pe care dansul le detine, noi ne angajam sa boicotam toate societatile din diferite sectoare de sub umbrela Tiriac Holding. Printre acestea se numara HVB Tiriac Bank, Allianz Tiriac Asigurari Romania, Tiriac Leasing, TiriacAuto, Tiriac Travel, Ion Tiriac Air.

Speram ca acest gest sa aiba efect si sa dea de gandit persoanelor vizate - D-nului Ion Tiriac si celor care au participat in trecut la vantorile de la Balc: Ion Ion Tiriac, Adrian Nastase, Petre Roman, Ilie Sarbu, Klaus Mangold (presedintele Daimler Chrysler Service), Wolfgang Porsche (patronul vestitei companii producatoare de masini sport), Julius Meinl (magnat al industriei alimentare), Burckhard Bergmann (presedinte al companiei Ruhrgas), printii Max Emanuel von Thurn und Taxis si Dimitrie Sturdza, Siegfried Wolf (presedintele companiei de componente auto Magna Europa), bancherii spanioli Jose Merino Jimenez, Gonzalo Merino Nieto si Jose Luis Zanetti Duenas, Carlo Pesenti (presedintele consortiului Italcementi), Franz Rauch (cel mai mare producator de sucuri naturale din Europa), Rudolf Streicher (politician, fost ministru austriac), Mark Miles (fost presedinte al Asociatiei de Tenis Profesionist), oamenii de afaceri Elan Schwartzenberg, Sandu Georgescu si Dragos Dobrescu (imobiliare), Tinu Sebesanu (directorul general al Howard Johnson Grand Plaza) si multi altii - si ca va opri organizarea acestor evenimente sangeroase pe viitor.

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