We, the undersigned members & friends of the Brunswick, Maine, creative community, request that the Brunswick Public Art organization (BPA) revisit, rethink and revise the current mural design, "Many Stitches," planned for installation on the Route One side of the Fort Andross Mill for the Summer of 2023.
The proposed mural location is one of the most prominent locations in Brunswick and if installed as currently designed will be viewed as a landmark of our town by the many thousands of drivers passing by daily on US 1. We find the current design to be not only problematic but also offensive in its racial, ethnic and gender stereotypes and thus completely unacceptable as a forward-going public representation of life in Brunswick, Maine.
While the mural's stated purpose is to celebrate the diversity of our community this goal is corrupted by its use of multiple objectionable stereotypes and likewise neglects or under-represents Indigenous communities. The Wabanaki communities both in Brunswick and around Maine have expressed their direct concerns regarding the current design which have thus far been largely ignored. We wish to make clear our solidarity with their perspective on this important visual representation of the history of Brunswick.
As it is presently designed this mural will be an embarrassment to our community and an offensive statement to any sensible person at this time in our history. While meant to be part of the solution it is in fact part of the problem, and will soon become a serious and contentious issue for the town of Brunswick. It is never too late to modify a design before it's installed.
We urgently request that the current mural design be re-evaluated by the Brunswick Public Art organization with respect to the many concerns outlined here and elsewhere, and that a more culturally compatible and sensible solution be found prior to anything being installed for permanent public display on the Fort Andross Mill.
Update #2about a year ago
We wish to thank everyone who has participated in the process of delivering this petition and its message, to the Brunswick Public Arts organization. It has been online now for five months. Over 500 signers from Maine, many leaving personal messages, have made their voices heard.
The petition has been delivered in PDF form to Brunswick Public Arts with every personal comment attached. It will now be taken offline.
Thanking you, one final time,
Jim & Mark
Update #11 years ago
Hello, and a big thank you for signing our petition regarding the Fort Andross mural. We had been told that there was nothing to be done about it, that it is a done deal. We chose to believe otherwise and your participation is a powerful affirmation of that belief.
Please help spread the word. Our goal is to achieve 500 signatures. If we each share with just a few friends we can do this. It is imperative that we make our voices heard!
Thanking you again,
James Marshall & Mark Wethli