A Dangerous Game
Despite the recent passage of healthcare reform, Medicare doctor payment cuts were completely ignored, again. Now doctors that accept Medicare are facing a 23 percent cut in December. This not only means that doctors won't be able to serve Medicare patients, but it also leaves access to healthcare for seniors, disabled and military families hanging in
Congress is playing a dangerous game with seniors' health care. Sick patients can't wait: Congress must replace the broken payment system before the damage is irreparable.
Tell your Representative and Senators that growing the problem is not the solution - stop the Medicare payment cuts!
Dear Member of Congress,
As a concerned patient, I am tired of the constant cycle of Medicare physician payment cuts which has only served to create an unstable system.
Short-term actions are the wrong answer to this long-term problem. These Band-Aid fixes have only served to increase the size of the cuts and the cost of reform.
Already about one out of four Medicare patients looking for a new primary care physician are having trouble finding one. The constant cycle of cuts and temporary patches makes me very worried that I won't be able to find a physician when I need one.
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An increasing number of doctors have been forced to quit accepting Medicare patients because of the program's burdensome regulations and unstable payment system.
Please do not cut Medicare doctor payments. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
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