That the new LRT project in Montreal, name the closest station to the Peel Basin the “Station des Irlandais” (the Irish Station)

The Montreal Irish community is asking Michael Sabia, president of the Caisse de Depot who is in charge of the new LTR project ( Reseau Express Metropolitain) in Montreal that the closest station to the Peel Basin be named "Station Irlandais" (the Irish Station) to acknowledge the "Irishness" of the area – the Black Rock; Goose Village, Pointe St-Charles and Griffintown.

With Hydro Quebec commemorating the Irish naming the new substation "des Irlandais Substation" it would ensure that the legacy of the Irish would be respected,

La communauté Irlandaise de Montréal demande à Michel Sabia, président de la Caisse de Dépôt et responsable du projet REM (Réseau Express Métropolitain) à Montréal que la station la plus près du Bassin Peel soit nommée ''Station des Irlandais'' (the Irish Station) afin de confirmer le caractère ''Irlandais'' du secteur - La pierre commémorative des Irlandais (Black Rock); Goose Village, Pointe-Saint-Charles et Griffintown.
Conjointement avec Hydro-Québec qui commémorera la présence Irlandaise en nommant sa nouvelle sous-station ''des Irlandais'', cela assurerait le respect de l'Héritage Irlandais de Montréal.

this petition was written by Cindy Moynan with approval from Fergus V. Keyes and translated by Martin DozoisM - Montreal Irish Memorial Park Foundation

Interview by Fergus on CBC

Update #25 years ago
Closing this petition, thank you to the people who have taken the time to sign this.
We have every hope that this will be taken to heart by the project.
Update #16 years ago
We want to contribute to the commemoration of the legacy of the Irish community in this sector and this is why we will be happy to discuss your proposition at this upcoming meeting with members of your foundation and the city of Montreal. We will be happy to get back to you on your proposal on the upcoming months Best regards, Virginie Cousin Directrice, Affaires publiques
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