Obama Decision To Kill Whales and Dolphins on A Huge Scale For Big Oil And The Navy! Stop Them From

  • by: Sandy Sobanski
  • recipient: The United States Navy And President Obama!

The Navy has just been given permission to use Sonar for testing in the waters around Hawaii.  This will cause painful torture and most likely killl the Whales and Dolphins and many other marine animals!  These majestic animals should be protected -not die a tortureous death by Sonar!  Please sign this petition to stop the Navy's Sonar.  Also call President Obama and your Congressman today! Environmental groups are trying to stop this before it is too late! They are bringing the Navy to court to try to stop this horrible torture and killing in the beautiful Hawaiian waters. 

Dear President Obama and US Navy,

The Navy's Sonar testing in Hawaii will kill and torture many thousands of marine mammals such as Endangered Whales and Dolphins! Please do everything you can to protect the mammals near  Hawaii that need protection such as whales and dolphins! Please don't send these poor animals to a certain painful torturous death and stop the Navy Sonar testing Now!

Thank You.

Update #110 years ago
Call Obama! (202) 456-1111
Tell President Obama his recent horrible cruel decision to kill whales and dolphins on a large scale is wrong!
Don't let Big Oil and The Navy kill thousands of whales and dolphins! Call The Whitehouse now!
(202) 456-1111
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