ROMANIAN KENNEL CLUB - help the stray dogs too

  • by: Mira Iordanescu
  • recipient: ROMANIAN KENNEL CLUB , Bucharest -  
On behalf of all good people from Romanian and all over the word we send you this open letter , asking you to join us .

" The Greatness and the Moral Progress of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated " (M.Gandhi)


To The Romanian Kennel Club ( " Responsible passion ????")
email :
All national affiliates, All Working Dogs Clubs, All Breed Clubs , All Agility Clubs , All clubs for dogs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, citizens of the World, many of whom are your co-nationals, kindly ask you to give a moment of reflection to our letter and our suggestions.

It has come to the attention of the entire international community ( the whole world) the atrocities committed in your country against animals and because you are a Kennel Club we should underscore : against DOGS.

It is of the out-most importance to remember that all dogs have a common ancestor.

Discrimination against non-pure breed dogs is as outrageous as discrimination against people.
For the restoration of the image of your country and your people ( excluding those extraordinary people who dedicated their life to save and protect animals ) which has been tarnished by the barbaric acts of cruelty please consider the following.

1. Please join all rescue groups in your country, all animal welfare associations ,all good people to lobby your government to introduce better laws for the protection of animals and to IMPLEMENT it.
2. Please suggest to all your affiliates (national groups, local, regional associations ) including individual members to adopt a stray dog ( in their hometown). Where one pure breed dog can find love,food and shelter...there should be enough Love, Food and Shelter for ...just one more Dog...
( remember how we used to feed our pets during the communist regime : leftovers from our meals...and we all were happy...)
3. Please consider donating a percentage of the revenue from Dog Shows to Romanian Animal Welfare Associations.
4. Please edit and publish a pamphlet and distribute it to the public attending dog shows in Romania, advising people to adopt a dog,( regular dog) to spay/neuter...
5. Please advise your international guests to also adopt a dog after a dog show....this could be the most rewarding "souvenir" from Romania...a dog who will love you unconditionally.
6. Please, as an internationally recognized association, start a petition to stop your government to start killing stray dogs and to (again) introduce and implement better laws for the protection of animals and implicitly harsher ( very harsh ) punishments for the violators of this law.

Please , silence in this very dramatic situation, when the image of your country and people has been tarnished so badly world wide, will look like some kind of quiet complicity, which we hope is not the case.

Be a pioneer in this noble world- wide struggle to improve the life of animals in your country, and your example will be followed by other countries and you will have the entire world on your side.

We thank you very much for the time you accorded to our letter. We hope that you will join us , be a voice for the voiceless , as we are a voice for the voiceless who have the same rights as all human beings, to live in peace on our planet.

Sincerely yours
" The Greatness and the Moral Progress of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated " (M.Gandhi)


To The Romanian Kennel Club ( " Responsible passion ????")
email :
All national affiliates, All Working Dogs Clubs, All Breed Clubs , All Agility Clubs , All clubs for dogs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, citizens of the World, many of whom are your co-nationals, kindly ask you to give a moment of reflection to our letter and our suggestions.

It has come to the attention of the entire international community ( the whole world) the atrocities committed in your country against animals and because you are a Kennel Club we should underscore : against DOGS.

It is of the out-most importance to remember that all dogs have a common ancestor.

Discrimination against non-pure breed dogs is as outrageous as discrimination against people.
For the restoration of the image of your country and your people ( excluding those extraordinary people who dedicated their life to save and protect animals ) which has been tarnished by the barbaric acts of cruelty please consider the following.

1. Please join all rescue groups in your country, all animal welfare associations ,all good people to lobby your government to introduce better laws for the protection of animals and to IMPLEMENT it.
2. Please suggest to all your affiliates (national groups, local, regional associations ) including individual members to adopt a stray dog ( in their hometown). Where one pure breed dog can find love,food and shelter...there should be enough Love, Food and Shelter for ...just one more Dog...
( remember how we used to feed our pets during the communist regime : leftovers from our meals...and we all were happy...)
3. Please consider donating a percentage of the revenue from Dog Shows to Romanian Animal Welfare Associations.
4. Please edit and publish a pamphlet and distribute it to the public attending dog shows in Romania, advising people to adopt a dog,( regular dog) to spay/neuter...
5. Please advise your international guests to also adopt a dog after a dog show....this could be the most rewarding "souvenir" from Romania...a dog who will love you unconditionally.
6. Please, as an internationally recognized association, start a petition to stop your government to start killing stray dogs and to (again) introduce and implement better laws for the protection of animals and implicitly harsher ( very harsh ) punishments for the violators of this law.

Please , silence in this very dramatic situation, when the image of your country and people has been tarnished so badly world wide, will look like some kind of quiet complicity, which we hope is not the case.

Be a pioneer in this noble world- wide struggle to improve the life of animals in your country, and your example will be followed by other countries and you will have the entire world on your side.

We thank you very much for the time you accorded to our letter. We hope that you will join us , be a voice for the voiceless , as we are a voice for the voiceless who have the same rights as all human beings, to live in peace on our planet.

Sincerely yours
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