A second Bill of Rights

Bill of Inalienable Rights

A petition to the Congress of the United States and to the State Legislatures, by the Will of the People, to call for proper conventions of the legislative bodies of the respective member states of our great union, for the purpose of amending the articles herein to the Constitution of the United States.


When a People, compelled by their conscience, their patriotic duty, and their ethical, and moral obligation to each other and to succeeding generations, deem it necessary to make demands of their government to alter, adopt, or abolish laws, or to effect changes in policy, Decency and Courtesy as well as a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they give just and due address to the reasons and concerns which so compel them to make such petition. Therefore, do we give, as evidence of our concerns, the reasons for this demand.

t stands to reason that throughout the course of human history, the seeds of noble ideas and philosophies have taken root in the hearts and minds of men and women, who, in the times in which they lived, did not have the benefit of experiences possessed by succeeding generations to provide greater wisdom and understanding of the values of such ideas and philosophies. Furthermore, it becomes apparent in the due course of time and events that those ideas which are held as noble and all encompassing are sometimes disregarded or dismissed all together when they ought not to be. Such has been the case with certain rights which were intended or in some cases even guaranteed throughout our nation's history.

As evidence to this undeniable fact we need only look into our nation's history concerning slavery, segregation, and our treatment of Native Americans. These are but a few examples of how our Inalienable Rights are all too often denied us. Further evidence of vulgar immoralities still persist even in our times, such as the cases of waterboarding, and other such cruel acts of torture of prisoners of war in United States custody, our disregard for the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, concerning same sex marriages, despite our professed principles on separation of state and religion, and the tendancies possessed by some of our elected officials to act in contradiction with the Constitution of the United States, and our laws and in so doing to completely undermine the principles of our nation, the principles of international law, and our standing in the eyes of the powers of the Earth.

For these and many other reasons, it is with love for the nation and solemn duty to those most noble principles of our inalienable human rights and our responsibilities toward each other and to ourselves, upon which the foundations of our great nation were laid, that ;

We the People of the United States of America do request and require Congress to propose this second Bill of Rights, in proper conventions of the legislative assemblies of the United States, for the purpose amending the articles herein to the Constitution of the United States of America. And furthermore, it is required and recommended that the Congress establish some type of department or institution which is held accountable to both the President of the United States and to Congress, which shall see to the protection of these inalienable rights, or to charge some already existing department or institution which is already so accountable, with the same responsibilities. And that proper powers and authorities necessary to the enforcement of those duties be vested in said department.

Article I

Matrimonial Freedom

Section 1, The right to engage in legitimate marital union with a willing partner regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual preference shall not be infringed upon by Congress or by State and, or Local legislative authorities subject to the  Constitution of the United States, as it is an inalienable right in accordance with the pursuit of happiness.

Section 2, Any Federal, State, or Local law or policy, as well as any amendments to State Constitutions, which does so infringe upon this Human Right is hereby repealed and forbidden.

Article II

Abolishment of Conscription to military service, and Equal rights of gay personel serving therein

Section 1, No person shall be in any way forced, coerced, or deceived to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States or in the State militias for any reason. Any contract of enlistment into said Armed Forces, or State militias, to include verbal agreements and promises between recruiters and enlistees shall be held as valid under the law of the United States and the law of each one of them.

Section 2, No person may be denied the right to serve in the armed forces of the United States or in the State militias on account of race, religion, gender, or sexual preference.

Article III

Humane Treatment of Prisoners and Incarcerated Persons

Section 1, No person who is; a prisoner of war, belligerent enemy combatant, foreign citizen, or citizen of the United States held in Federal, State, Local, or military custody, shall be subject to acts of violence upon their person, nor shall they be treated in any manner which degrades their personal dignity.

Section 2, All   persons who are detained for any reason by Federal, State, Local, or military authority, shall receive expedient and competent medical, dental, and mental care when the need arises.

Section 3, Religious rights, freedoms, customs, and observances shall not be denied to any person who is detained in Federal, State, Local, or military custody, except in cases where such religious rights, freedoms, customs, and observances shall conflict with the rights of others, or with maintaining security in the facility wherein they are being detained.

Section 4, Any person who takes active participation in an act of physical or mental abuses, or the degradation of any detainee's human dignity shall be charged and tried in a court of law for Crimes Against Humanity. Any person who, having knowledge of acts of physical or mental abuse, or of outrages upon the personal dignity of detained persons being carried out, fails to prevent such acts by direct intervention, or by alerting the proper authorities shall likewise be charged and tried in a court of law for Crimes Against Humanity as if he or she committed such acts him, or herself.

Section 5, This Article shall come into full effect immediately upon its ratification. Once this article is ratified, any person who, before the ratification of this article, may have taken active participation in an act of physical or mental abuses, or the degradation of any detainee's human dignity may still be charged and tried in a court of law for Crimes Against Humanity.

Section 6, Congress shall have full authority to determine acts of physical or mental abuses, or the degradation of any detainee's human dignity which shall be uniform to persons detained under Federal, State, Local, or military authority, and shall have full power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article IV

Proprietorship over Self and Body

Section 1, The Right of Men and Women to be secure in their personal authority over their bodies shall not be violated by Any legislation made by Congress, or State legislatures. No legislation shall impede the right to seek contraceptives or abortions which are carried out before the fetus has began to take a recognizable human form, but in all cases of abortion, no abortion shall take place after fetal brain tissue has began to form, except in cases where the health of the mother is in jeopardy.

Section 2, In any case where it has been determined by a consensus of no less than three competent licensed medical practitioners that a person is in a state of suffering and such state is not likely to change, the right of the person who is suffering or the right of the person legally designated as the executor of estate for the person who is suffering to seek compassionate euthinization for the person who is suffering shall not be denied, however, in cases where the executor is making the request, he or she must produce notarized documentation proving that the request is in full accordance with the will of the person for whom the request is being made.

Section 3, In any case where a person who is suffering requests compassionate euthinization, there must be at least two witnesses present who are not of blood relation or of any other association to the person making the request.

Section 4, Any medical practitioner who renders aid in a legitimately requested euthinization shall not be subject to legal reprisal.

Article V

Universal Religious Freedom

Section 1, No law shall be considered or enacted by Congress or any state or local legislative authority under the United States, which shall have been conceived for the direct purpose of conforming to the philosophies of any specific establishment of religion.

Section 2, No exemptions from Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises which are laid by Congress, or by any other legislative authority under the authority of the United States, shall be extended to any organization of religion or to members of religious clergy.

Section 3, No law shall be made which conflicts with the religious practices of any specific religion so long as said religion refrains from, spreading intolerance and hate which weakens and divides our communities; performing inhumane acts against animals or human beings; inciting insurrection; the usurpation of any individual or group of individual rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Section 4, the Supreme Court and the Congress of the United States shall reserve the right to monitor legislation of the several states in order to ascertain whether or not legislation is being considered which has religious intent therein, and if such is found to be the case, either the Supreme Court or the Congress shall reserve the right to veto said legislation on the grounds that it conflicts with the civil liberties and rights ensured to the people by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Section 5, There shall be no formal religious education in any public educational establishment. Excepting for educational programs which teach comparative religious studies and ethics.

Section 6, There shall be no Iconic displays of religious symbolism or doctrine by any public educational establishment. However, any person whether they are of the student body or of the faculty of any public educational establishment shall not be denied their right to wear apparel or accessories of religious or spiritual symbolism.

Section 7, Each student or group of students shall be afforded the right to have personal or private sessions of prayer and meditation while in school.

Article VI

Fair Employment, Compensation, and Unemployment Assurance.  

Section 1, Every person employed within the United States or within its jurisdiction is entitled to a decent and adequate wage.

Section 2, No person shall receive wages which are specifically adjusted on account of gender, race, or religion.

Section 3, No person shall be considered unfit or unqualified for any employment based promotion on account of gender, race, or religion.

Section 4, No person shall be considered unfit or unqualified for any employment on account of gender, race, or religion.

Section 5, It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the welfare of citizens who have been subject to job loss through layoffs, or on account of health or accidents is provided for.

Section 6, No person who has fulfilled their requirements for pension may be subject to loss of said pension.

Section 7, Every person employed within the United States or within its jurisdiction is entitled to a fair and friendly working environment free of harassment and threat, and reasonable security within their employment.

Section 8, Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article VII

Excessive fines and punishments defined and forbidden

Section 1, In all cases wherein a person has been tried through due process and been found reasonably guilty of an offense, all fines, surcharges, court costs, and any other charges resulting from the conviction shall be fairly determined by the income and holdings of the person who has been convicted.

Section 2, In the case of all misdemeanors wherein no one has done harm to another person, excepting for cases of theft, the total accumulation of costs, charges, fines, and surcharges when combined shall not be more than what the convicted persons income would be in one month. Nor shall incarceration for such offense exceed a total of fifteen days.

Section 3, The practice of forcing an individual to perform community services as a punishment is now forbidden throughout the United States as such an act is slavery.

Article VIII

Accountability of Elected Officers to the law

Section 1, Any elected official who acts contrary to his oath of office, the Constitution, and or federal, state and local law; shall be subject to arrest and charges of criminal activity. Any person who during a campaign or term of office who engages in willful deception of the citizenry may be charged with breaking their oath of office which shall, if convicted for such offense, constitute immediate removal from office and up to ten years incarceration.

Section 2, It is unlawful for any officer who has been elected to any local, state, or federal legislative assembly to cast a vote on any bill or subject which he or she has not fully read and comprehends.

Section 3, No elected official may in any way accept contributions from any business, industry, or individual for the purpose of campaigns or any other reason.

Section 4, No person who while in service to the people in an elected or appointed capacity may have or be active in connections with any business or industry except in an official capacity.

Section 5, Congress shall establish rules and regulations to discourage any and all negative slanderous allegations made by one candidate against his or her opponent wherein said allegations shall not be backed by reasonable assumption or evidence.

Section 6, No person who owns stock in any business or industry, or who is employed by any business or industry may seek election to any office of public trust in the federal, state, or local government.

Section 7, Congress shall also establish a separate media specifically for free election which shall be maintained through anonymous contributions and donations. And no person who uses said media to run for election shall receive favoritism or extra coverage over his or her opponent.

Article IX

Protection of Home from unreasonable seizure

Section 1, No person who has fallen behind on bank payments or taxes due to loss of income or financial difficulties as a result of layoff or health problems may be subject to loss of home or property.

Section 2, No person may be sued or forced out of their home and property by law or by the community for reasons pertaining to the property values of the community. No person shall be denied the right, by law or by any assembly of people, to decorate their home and properties in any manner which they feel is fit so long as such decoration is not offensive towards race, religion, gender.

Section 3, Any house or property which is left to sit for a period of two years consecutively shall be considered abandoned and the local government in which said property resides, shall reserve the right to seize such properties and award them to those who need them most.

Article  X

The Right to Free and Competent Education

Section 1, Education being an absolute necessity to a healthy republic and democracy, the right to free and competent education up to, and including college and university level shall not be denied to any person.

Section 2, Congress shall have power to provide for this right by taxation and also to regulate the design, structure, and curriculums, of schools and universities. However, any such regulation shall be intended to encourage Free thought, Universal Ethics, and a deep desire to pursue knowledge and wisdom.

Section 3, Any and all student loans owed by students or former students are now null and void.

Article XI

The Right to Adequate Medical, Dental, and Mental Health services

No Person may for any reason be denied necessary medical, dental, or mental health services or medicines. This Article shall come into full force immediately upon ratification.

Article XII

Forbiddance of Dead Peasant Life Insurance Policies

Section 1, No business, corporation, or individual, has the right to purchase and implement any form of insurance upon their employees.

Section 2, All corporations, businesses, and individuals, who have in the past maintained such Dead Peasant life insurance policies on employees, wherein the purchasing corporations, businesses, or individuals have named themselves as the beneficiaries, are now required to reimburse the next of kin of the deceased employee family or executor of estate for the deceased with all monetary benefits they received as a result of the employee death.

Article XIII

The Peoples Authority over Government, Business, and Industry

Section 1, It is the right of the citizens of every community to govern themselves in whatever manner they deem to be most beneficial to all. The power and authority of the citizens of each community shall be the law therein so long as it does not conflict with the greater good and general well being of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States.

Section 2, In any community wherein a business has become a monopoly and has caused harm to the community in terms of employment and unfair competition, it is the right of the citizens therein to seize the business which has done said harm for the good of the community.

Section 3, In any Community where a place of business or industry has been seized for the good of the Community, the citizens therein may petition the federal government for a loan in order to form a cooperative community business or industry and to create growth of employment.

Article XIV

Right to challenge the Constitutionality of law

Section 1, Every citizen of the United States shall reserve the right to challenge the constitutionality of any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordnance in a court of law in front of a jury which shall consist of scholars of constitutional law, and if said law, regulation, or ordnance be found by such jury to be unconstitutional, their verdict shall be upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States and all other courts of law under the Constitution of the United States as well as the Supreme Courts of the various states.

Section 2, neither the Supreme Court of the United States or the Supreme Courts of the various states shall have the authority to overturn such a verdict by a jury of citizens.

Article XV

The Right and procedures to perform a citizens arrest

Section 1, Whereas, it is the right and duty of every citizen of the United States to protect the rights, liberties and security of their republic, every citizen has the right to perform a citizens arrest in order to affect the apprehension of any person who is believed to have committed a crime.

Section 2, Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article XVI

Guarantee of equal rights and all other rights within the realm of reason

Section 1, Equal suffrage shall be denied to no person based on account of race, religion, gender, or sexual preference.

Section 2, No right or privilege which is not herein named, nor which is not forbidden in the Constitution of the United States, shall be denied to any person so long as it does not conflict with the rights and privileges of other persons and or the law of the land.

A petition to the Congress of the United States and to the State Legislatures, by the Will of the People, to call for proper conventions of the legislative bodies of the respective member states of our great union, for the purpose of amending the articles herein to the Constitution of the United States.

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