Stop media attacks on all pit bulls

Recently in the news there was a very sad story of a woman who was killed by her chow/lab mix dog, when news coverage just started on this the station showed a picture of a pit bull while stating "Owner killed by own dog"  If the dog is not a pit bull why are they posting a picture of one other than to further terrify people against this breed.  I am not claiming that all pit bulls are sweet and innocent.  What I am claiming is that there are a lot of very dedicated, responsible owners with pit bulls.  We owners are fighting to keep cities from banning our breed.  Media also finds more ways to drive home the "terror" of pit bulls by the way they address attack stories.  Any time a pit bull bites a person, news coverage is "PIT BULL attacks man"  or something very much like that.  However all other breeds are simply tagged as "Dog attacks man".  Kind of like this poor woman who lost her life the headline read "Owner killed by own dog"  Had she owned a pit bull it would have read "Owner killed by pit bull".  Watch the news headlines and you will see what I mean.  Only recently has it surfaced that this woman's dog was a chow/laborador mix.  To begin the news would not call the dog this but instead just call it a chow mix, after all why ruin a labs good reputation.  All dogs can attack.  All dogs have teeth.  I just want to be able to keep my dog who has done nothing wrong!  Please STOP attacking pit bulls in the news, especially when they have nothing to do with the attack you are covering!!!!!  If this injustice is not stopped I pledge to not watch this channel's news again, I hope other will stand with us on this cause.
Many pit bull owners have helplessly stood by and watched news coverage of many dog attacks.  Most disturbing is the fact that you use pictures of pit bulls for any dog attack regardless of the breed responsible.  This is not fair to the hundreds of responsible pit bull owners out there.  With the ever increasing threat of a ban on pit bulls in the city of Indianapolis we urge you to use discretion on how you cover dog attacks.  We are not asking you not to cover these stories, but treat all of the stories equally.  Many people are terrified against pit bull and as breed ambassadors we want to restore the good qualities of the breed that are not seen in pits that are used for fighting and that are neglected like many of the pit bulls involved in attacks on humans.  Please help our cause instead of hindering it.  You would not believe how many good pit bulls are out there.  Please stop posting pictures of pit bulls for any other dog breed attack just because it catches people attention.  Thank you for listening to our plea for help for a breed of dog that was once a national symbol for strength and loyalty!!
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