Indian cricket player, Mahender Singh Dhoni, sacrificed a goat to accelerate his success in the worl

"Today, on the 10th of March, at 3 PM, at the Silli temple in Ranchi, a kid (as in baby goat ) was sacrificed by the Indian cricketer Dhoni to accelerate his success in the world of sports.In full view of the media, along with the voiceless animal, who gave his blood and life for the success of someone he had no clue about, rationalism was put on the guillotine while blind faith and crudeness were given a pat on the back.This was telecast by the India TV. "

THEREFORE, we the undersigned of this petiton urge the Cricket Club of India (CCI) to TAKE DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST : Mahender Singh Dhoni.
We the undersigned of this petiton urge the Cricket Club of India (CCI) to TAKE DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST : Mahender Singh Dhoni whose negative and barbaric behaviour not only affects the image of the Club but it also discourages people from supporting it.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.
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