Invite Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada to Open the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver

We the signatories request that the Government of Canada and the Vancouver Organising Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games invite Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada to open the 2010 Olympic Games. 

Dear Honourable Members of Parliament and the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC),

We the petition signers recognising that Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada has dutifully served the Canadian people for more than half of the past century;
and has not only promoted locally, nationally, and internationally as well as implemented in her offices the values of VANOC;

Fair play, respect, compassion, accountability and inclusion

Integrity, honesty, respect, fairness and compassion

Recognition, compassion and accountability

Financial, economic, social and environmental sustainability

Innovation, flexibility and adaptability

and that Her Majesty would continue to positively contribute to "a stronger Canada whose spirit is raised by its passion for sport, culture and sustainability";

honouring the Canadian tradition that our sovereign embodies in words and deeds the "Soul of the Nation", that they inspire the people;

and we, firmly believing that Her Majesty would contribute positively to the creation and delivery of an extraordinarily Canadian Olympic and Paralympic experience that would have lasting legacies;

respectfully request that the Government of Canada invite Her Majesty the Queen to open and attend the Olympic Games in Vancouver as Canada's Head of State.

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