Let's show the world how to build a fishing pier!

 Greetings Mayor Seiler and the Fort Lauderdale city council. 
We the undersigned believe the addition of a public fishing pier to the Fort Lauderdale city beach would be a huge asset to the city. Florida is the fishing capital of the United states. It only makes sence to reap the benefit's of that distinction. The local fishing piers adjacent to Lauderdale draw thousands of people each week. It's our belief that the revenue's from such a pier would not only support the pier, but would also help support the local tourist industry. Hotel's, Tackle shop's, and restaurant's would all benefit as would the city of Fort lauderdale. The enviromental impact of such an endeavor would be minimal at most as is evidenced by the other piers in the area. Regardless of whether the pier is city managed or leased to private management, the city would make money from every person who enter's the pier. As well as the parking revenues. We feel that this could be an opportunity to consider building the largest or longest pier in the state. With this distinction, such a pier would advertise itself. We believe that the area of Sunrise blvd. and A1A would be an ideal location for such a pier. A state of the art fishing pier would set a standard throughout the state. Utilizing reinforced concrete and composit decking and railing materials, along with LED lighting systems would contribute to making the pier extremely low cost in it's operation. While at the same time making it  environmentally friendly. LED lights operate at a fraction of the cost of conventional lights, last on average for 50,000 hours which equates to about 10 years, Due to the low voltage requirement's of LED light's they can be 100% solar powered. At the same time they are Turtle friendly and do not attract flying insects. All of which are consideration's in today's environmentally conscious world. Being the longest most environmentally friendly and cost effective, would make Fort Lauderdale fishing pier a monument to the foresight of city government.   
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