Our Children Are Not Demons or Demonettes

We are asking that you support us with your signature that says you do agree that our children should not go to a school where the school spirit is that of a demon!  The Warner Robins High School (Warner Robins, GA) is a DEMON!  We are against hundreds of children gathering into one place at one time chanting "GO DEMONS!"  We are proposing that the mascot be changed and that all the demon images are taken down, painted over, and/or discarded!  Please sign your support!
We the undersigned agree that demons are innapropriate mascots for children of any age to have in their schools. Demons are often representation of the Satanic religion and its undertones.  Demons, regardless of affiliation, sends a message of negativity, and violence; and are often tied to cult like behaviors which lead to teen suicides, and extreme violence.  Our Children have enough negative influence in life and school should not be subjecting them to such lewdness.
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