Say NO to the Dictator Oscar Arias attendance at the 2012 Nobel World Summit

The University of Costa Rica Proclamation

Human Rights Costa Rica

Gary Christensen TV News- Costa Rica

 Please sign petition of peace to stop the dictator Oscar Arias .

Say NO to the dictator Oscar Arias attendance April 23 - 25 at the 2012 Nobel Summit in Chicago.

 NO MORE Human Rights abuses and violence by Oscar Arias, his secret Presidential Police of terror – la DIS and the ruling elite (the Oscar Arias oligarchy,  la Nación , and local and international corporations,  who control this Presidential paramilitary apparatus of terror to promote their own self interest and financial enrichment. 

 La Asamblea Legislativa de La República de Costa Rica  

 (Costa Rican Congress)

  “The Presidential Police - la DIS has served as an effective tool for all kinds of  abuses of power by the ruling elites who control it.”

“La Policá Presidencial - La DIS han servido como  eficaz instrumento para toda clase de abusos de poder por  parte de las élites dominantes que  las controlan.”  

Please say NO to Oscar Arias and his secret Presidential Police la DIS and their Human Rights violations to the 2012 World Nobel Summit.

Blackmail, extortion, embezzlement of public funds, violence, intimidation, beatings (torture)  and “flagrant human rights abuses” of 1000’s & 1000’s & 1000’s… of innocent victims in Costa Rica.

La Asamblea Legislativa de La República de Costa Rica  

(Costa Rican Congress)

 "the Presidential Police are efficient instruments for flagrant violation(s) of citizens human rights and constitute a grave threat to the democratic system of  rights"                                                  

"la Policía Presidential son eficaces instrumentos para   la flagrante violación de los derechos humanos de los   ciudadanos, y constituyen una grave amenaza a los sistemas democráticos de derecho"                                                                                     

The University of Costa Rica Proclamation for the Citizens of Costa Rica     and the World.                    

 "Speak Up, Speak Out for Freedom and Rights," Stop the secret Presidential Police –la DIS of the PLN, Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla the ruling elite and their Human Rights abuses and violence.

Say NO more intimidation, NO more beatings and violence, NO more terror and NO more Constitutional and Human Rights abuses by the secret Presidential Police -la DIS of the PLN, Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias , Luis Paulino Mora,  Alicia Fournier, Laura Chinchilla and the ruling elite who control la DIS.

Stop the Presidential Police (la DIS) - violations of the Constitution of Costa Rica - Articles # 11, 23, 24, …  the Declaration of Human Rights - Articles # 2, #8, #18, #19… and the raids,  threats and violence against  “facebook and twitter friends” who have expressed an opinion in social media.

The Presidential Police raid, persecute, threaten and terrorize “facebook friends” expressions of  freedom.

     threatened, terrorized and /or beaten under direct orders of the Presidency of Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla and the ruling elite to keep quite or else.

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Gary, thanks for your show and this investigation about the DIS. I admire your dedication and love for Costa Rica, even though you were not born in Costa Rica!

We need more people like you in Costa Rica. A cousin of mine and another friend have been heavily harassed (we assume it is the DIS) on several occasions, because they have been openly expressing their discontent with the current government via the use of Facebook and Twitter.

My cousin has been mainly criticizing the corruption scandals and use of influences and my other friend criticizing with regards to firearm regulation, the environmental scandals of Crucitas and the Caldera Highway and the problem with national security. 

A few days ago, my cousin was visited by approximately 20 police officers and a psychiatric team that wanted to take him away. Fortunately, they were unable to do so because the security officer of the Condominium did not allow them inside the property as they didn't have an authorized search warrant granted by a judge.

His computer and social media accounts were also hacked and he has received threatening phone calls. 

My other friend was visited by a strange group of police officers outside his house and threatened to keep his mouth shout. 

I think that Oscar Arias and Laura Chinchilla are violating the Constitution and the human rights of Costaricans. 

They want to suppress freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and control the population to continue with their imperialistic policy of Costa Rica for their own benefit. We need to stop this NOW!

20 hours ago • Like

You can stop the Presidential defilement of human dignity. 

Your voice and heart can bring back peace and moral dignity to Costa Rica. 

Help protect Douglas Caamaño and many other frightened and  threatened  targets of violence by  the Presidency of Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla and the Presidential Police - La DIS.

Stop the extortion, threats, scams, ripoffs and beatings of 1000’s upon 1000’s upon 1000’s upon 1000’s of  innocent  citizens by the Presidency of Laura Chinchilla, Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias and the keptocracy.


[klep-tok-ruh-see]  Show IPA

a government or state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal; rule by a thief or thieves.

a government where officials are politically corrupt and financially self-interested 

The kleptocracy (the ruling elite) uses the Presidential Police as their own private paramilitary apparatus to blackmail the business sector and terrorize the population, journalists, the handicapped and human rights organizations.

The Presidential Police, la DIS -  La Dirección de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional, created in 1994 by the General Police Act, No. 7410, under the Ministry of the Presidency (Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias, Laura Chinchilla & the National Liberation Party) is a police force that works without any democratic control, doesn't account for their actions (violation Article # 11 Political Constitution of Costa Rica and the Universal Declaration Human Rights,) and is in the service of obscure interests that have little or nothing to do with state security and social democratic law. The results of their management are increasingly criticized by broad and diverse sectors of Costa Rican society, which has led to question its existence and consider it a threat to democracy

La Policía Presidencial - la DIS - La Dirección de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional (DIS), creada en 1994, mediante la Ley General de Policía, N.° 7410, adscrita al Ministerio de la Presidencia (Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias, Laura Chinchilla & el Partido Liberación Nacional), es un cuerpo policial que funciona sin ningún control democrático, sin rendir cuentas (violar Articulo #11 Constitución Político,) al servicio de oscuros intereses, que poco o nada tienen que ver con la seguridad del Estado democrático y social de derecho. Los resultados de su gestión cada vez son más criticados por amplios y diversos sectores de la sociedad costarricense, que han llevado a cuestionar su existencia y a considerarla un peligro para la democracia

Ex – President Luis Monge calls Oscar Arias “an indecent and corrupt dictator”

Ex- presidente Luis Alberto Monge llama "la dictadura indecente y corrupta" de Oscar Arias

The Extra Newspaper:

Former Attorney General of the Republic, Francisco Dall Anese: the Presidential Police, la DIS  is a political police without controls, which responds only to the presidency, and poses a serious threat to Costa Rican democracy.

 It is totally illegal. Established in 1994,  the DIS has spied  - violating constitutional rights - on several thousands (and thousands and thousands and thousands) of people (probably some who are reading this article) (extortion, blackmail, intimidation, money laundering and child pornography in the presidential palace, intelligence, raids on churches, persecution of journalists, deputies, violence against women, families, harassment, threats, beatings (torture) of thousands and thousands and thousands of citizens) and wiretapping the phones and emails of journalists, political leaders, businessmen, union leaders and humanitarian organizations. 

 "The existence of the DIS violates the Constitution of Costa Rica, Article 11, paragraph 2 of the American Convention on Human Rights and other international instruments ratified by Costa Rica. Violating a standard element of any democratic state, and  that the investigation of  citizens should be governed by due process and a court. Period. The rest are excuses undemocratic. "               

Diario Extra:  el ex Fiscal General de la República, Franciso Dall Anese: La Policía Presidencial, la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia y Seguridad (DIS) es una policía política sin controles, que responde sólo a la Presidencia de la República, y entraña un grave peligro para la democracia costarricense.

 Es totalmente ilegal. Creada en 1994, desde entonces la DIS ha espiado-- violando derechos constitucionales-- a varias miles (y miles y miles y miles) de personas (probablemente algunos que están leyendo este artículo)  (extorción, chantajes, intimidación, lavado de dinero y pornográfico infantil en la Casa Presidencial, espionaje, redadas a las iglesias, persecución de periodistas, espionaje a los diputados, violencia contra las mujeres, familias, hostigamiento, amenazas, golpizas (tortura) de miles y miles y miles de ciudadanos)  haciendo escuchas en sus teléfonos e interviniendo correos electrónicos de periodistas, dirigentes políticos, empresarios, sindicalistas y dirigentes de organizaciones humanitarias.  

“La existencia de la DIS viola la Constitución Política de Costa Rica, el artículo 11, inciso 2 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos y otros instrumentos internacionales ratificados por Costa Rica. Viola una norma esencial de cualquier estado democrático, y es que la investigación sobre los ciudadanos deber estar regida por un debido proceso y por un órgano jurisdiccional. Punto. Lo demás son pretextos antidemocráticos.”


the Presidential Police - la DIS  of Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla and the ruling elite extort, spy on  and persecute (1000’s & 1000’s) of citizens"         

La Prensa Libre:

The Presidential Police (DIS) of Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla, Rodrigo Arias and the kleptocracy has been mentioned (acknowledged) in the Assembly (Congress)  and in the media, the spying on political groups and including blackmailing representatives of the business sector "

La Prensa Libre: (DIS) – la Policía Presidencial de PLN, Oscar Arias, Laura Chinchilla, Rodrigo Arias se ha dicho en la Asamblea y en los medios de prensa, sobre el espionaje a sectores políticos e incluso para chantajear a representantes del sector empresarial”

Ex - President Luis Alberto Monge

"the Arias brothers' regime and the newspaper La Nacion,(al Día, la República, the U.S. State Department/Embassy - Ann Andrew, IPLEX, UNESCO - Andrew Radolf, the U.N. - Frank La Rue,OAS, el Financiero, the C.I.A., Interpol..Canal 4.6,7,11..) have produced a serpentine involution of democratic  through the use of a totalitarian propaganda machine and an enormous power apparatus that tramples the Constitution, the rule of law that has become the cogwheels of the Legislature, the Constitutional Court, the Court of Elections, the Central Bank, etc.., etc.and so on. "

ex-Presidente Monge:   "del régimen de los hermanos Arias y del diario La Nación – Rodolfo Jimenez Borbón, Yanancy Noguera (y  sus oligarquías  -  la República, el Financiero, la Extra, al Día, CRHoy, Interpol, la Prensa Libre, la Teja, Groupo Sama, Tico Times,  El Instituto de Prensa y Libertad de Expresión (IPLEX) , CEJIL, Colegio de Periodistas de Costa Rica, UNESCO - Andrew Radolf,  U.S. State Department/ Embassy –Ann Andrew, the C.I.A., Canal 4, 6, 7, 11, 42.... radio..)  produce una involución democrática por medio de un aparato de propaganda totalitario y un descomunal aparato de poder que atropella la Constitución, el Estado de Derecho y convierte en engranajes de ese aparato la Asamblea Legislativa, la Sala IV, el Tribunal de Elecciones, el Banco Central, etc., etc., etc."

ex presidente Luis Alberto Monge:

 "this democratic institution of (Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias, Laura Chinchilla, the Nacion and the oligarchies) has been broken, smashed to pieces, run over by the constant violations of the Constitution, and the concentration of power, which has never occurred in  our history, the political power, economic power and the control of the media power in the hands of one individual ( Oscar Arias with the U.S. Embassy, the CIA, the U.N.,UNESCO, Luis Paulino Mora, Laura Chinchilla, the Nation and the oligarchy), who  is a real dictator in Costa Rica. "

"We are not, my dear compatriots, we are not living in democracy, we are living a false democracy, we are living in an indecent and corrupt dictatorship ( of Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias, Luis Paulino Mora, Laura Chinchilla, the Nation ...) like we have never had before in our country."

 "esa institucionalidad democrática (de Oscar Arias, Rodrigo Arias, Laura Chinchilla, la Nación y las oligarquías) ha sido resquebrajada, perturbada, atropellada por las constantes violaciones a la Constitución Política, y por la concentración de poder, que nunca se haba dado en nuestra historia, del poder político, del poder económico y el poder mediático en manos de un solo individuo (Oscar Arias con Rodrigo Arias, la Embajada de Estados Unidos, C.I.A., Luis Paulino Mora, Laura Chinchilla, la Nación y la oligarquía), que es un verdadero dictador en Costa Rica."

"No estamos, mis queridos compatriotas, no estamos viviendo en democracia, estamos viviendo una falsa democracia, estamos viviendo una dictadura indecente y corrupta (Oscar Arias con Rodrigo Arias, Luis Paulino Mora, Laura Chinchilla, la Nación...) como nunca en la vida ha tenido nuestra Patria."

There is no one to defend and protect the wonderful people of Costa Rica from la DIS . Absolutely no one.

All have been paid off (chorizos), intimidated, threatened by Oscar Arias, la DIS and the oligarchy.

Please note: The Costa Rican and U.S. Government will make every attempt to block petitioners to protect "financial interest"


Gary Christensen, Human Rights Costa Rica

youtube: HumanRightsCostaRica

twitter:    HumanRightscr

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