Stop Clawing Back Our Wages

  • by: CUPE 3903
  • recipient: York Administration

Over the past decade CUPE 3903 has won important wage increases to ensure that our members’ incomes keep up with the rise in the cost of living. However, many of our members, especially in the Natural Sciences, have not seen a wage increase in more than 8 years because York essentially claws back the wage increases we have won through bargaining by counting these gains against their total funding packages. While the money saved is a drop in the bucket for York--less than 0.04% of their total payroll and benefits costs per year--it means a lot to our members. Over the past 8 years the cost of living in Toronto has increased by almost 20% while our members’ wages in the sciences have remained stagnant.

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team and executive want to solve this problem at the bargaining table, but so far the employer has not shown any interest in this proposal. We need your help. If you support this proposal, sign here, and we will make sure the employer gets the message.

We, the undersigned (CUPE and others), request that the Administration of York University agree to the following anti-claw back language so that wage gains are no longer offset by total funding cuts:

The parties agree that any increase in the wage rates negotiated by the parties shall not be offset by monies from other sources in subsequent sessions, all other things being equal. The parties agree that any increase in the wage rates negotiated by the parties shall represent an increase in the total earnings of an employee for that session.

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