Tell Congress not to pass the FISA Amendments Act

  • recipient: United States Congress
The FISA Amendments Act of 2007 allows the Attorney General to order physical searches of anyone's property or possessions before applying for a warrant.

The bill also allows the warrantless wiretapping of anyone "reasonably believed" to be located outside of the U.S., whether they are a US citizen or not.

The FISA Amendments Act was introduced by democratic Senator John Rockefeller.  The bill has not been voted on yet.

The bill violates the fourth amendment, and should have never been introduced in the Senate.
We the undersigned request that Congress does not pass the FISA Amendments Act of 2007.

The FISA Amendments Act is unconstitutional, and violates the fourth amendment.  Section 107 allows the Attorney General to order physical searches of anyone's property or possessions, before applying for a warrant.

The bill also allows the warrantless wiretapping of anyone(U.S. citizen or not) reasonably believed to be located outside of the United States.

The language of the bill is vague, and makes abuse very easy.

For these reasons, we request that Congress does not pass this bill.

We thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


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