Stop the chemicals in Waco,Texas Water

Waco, Texas used to be very beautiful,But the city Goverment doesn't want to put money back into recreations or something more tourist attracted.They only care about putting money into the Texas Rangers Muesum which no one goes there. Also the water they have is not very friendly more bad stuff your water has,more chemicals put into it.
sign this petiton to make Waco,Texas a livable place again.
I want the Waco city water to clean the water by a natural spring without the toxics!!!

Enclosed is a petition for Waco City Goverment to stop pulluting the water.Natural springs are more enjoyable and alot more healther than having irritaded skin plus you should care about the current residents now instead of future ones. You care about the longhorn state?To us you don't care about the great impact Texas had on early history of the United States of America.So if you do than prove us wrong and put your money towards natural water cleaning from a NATURAL spring of fresh healthy water.

We Appreciate your time and Taking a moment of what a Former texas resident wants for her famliy.
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