Ask the governement to help stop the purchase of shelter animals by Universities for lab use

  • by: Giovanna M
  • recipient: University of Michigan and USA congress
Many of us feel concerned and try to help the animals that are homeless or in shelters. These poor creatures have already suffered enough, and anyone who has rescued one of these animals knows the relief and gratefulness they automatically feel when the are taken away from the shelter.
Unfortunately, some of these animals are bought to be killed and tortured (in the name of science).

A couple of years ago it was achieved that the University of Michigan stopped its experiments with dogs. But now the university of Michigan is getting cats (perfectly healthy and friendly, according to the reports) from shelters in order to use them in labs. The latest cat I got info from, died in their labs 5 days after being "rescued".  Unfortunately this is not the only University/organisation doing similar things.

Please help stop this as, most of the time, there is no real justification to the use of animals in experimentation and in school lab practices. There usually are alternatives.
We the udersigned are shocked to read the University of Michigan is rescuing animals from shelters in order to use them In their labs (resulting in the death of the specimens).

Please consider ending rescues for such purposes and please take a step forward in adopting more modern methods to substitute experimenation and use of live animals in class.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter,
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