Ban Greyhound Racing in Australia!

  • by: Kailey L.
  • recipient: Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria

Australia has a long history of mistreating its greyhound racing dogs, and unfortunately, things have not gotten much better. Each year, 7,000 greyhound pups are born that will never race and are killed shortly after. 5 dogs per week die on the racetrack, many suffering cardiac arrest from the intensity. Some figures estimate that as many as 17,000 healthy greyhounds are killed each year.

Even dogs that do get to race tend to live in conditions of suffering and discomfort. They are often drugged or doped, and deprived of healthy meals or comfortable sleeping conditions.

Most greyhound racing dogs are killed or die before they reach the age of 5. The average lifespan of a dog is over 10 years. That's the human equivalent of dying at age 39.

For racing dogs, there is no hope: if they do not die or get severely injured in the competitions themselves, they will likely die before they turn five. It is time we end this inhumane form of entertainment. Sign now to demand that Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, put an end to immoral greyhound racing and end the unnecessary killing and degrading of greyhounds in Australia.

Australia has a long history of mistreating its greyhound racing dogs, and unfortunately, things have not gotten much better. Each year, 7,000 greyhound pups are born that will never race and are killed shortly after. 5 dogs per week die on the racetrack, many suffering cardiac arrest from the intensity. Some figures estimate that as many as 17,000 healthy greyhounds are killed each year.

Even dogs that do get to race tend to live in conditions of suffering and discomfort. They are often drugged or doped, and deprived of healthy meals or comfortable sleeping conditions. 

Most greyhound racing dogs are killed or die before they reach the age of 5. The average lifespan of a dog is over 10 years. That's the human equivalent of dying at age 39.

For racing dogs, there is no hope: if they do not die or get severely injured in the competitions themselves, they will likely die before they turn five. It is time we end this inhumane form of entertainment. It is time that Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, put an end to immoral greyhound racing and end the unnecessary killing and degrading of greyhounds in Australia.

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