Demand that Care2 add a button to vote if you disagree

I love this website and others like it because they offer people a voice and can really make change happen. But sometimes it gets frustrating to scroll through the petitions and find something that is being petitioned that I am strongly against. I have even signed one in order to be able to leave a comment giving the reason that I am so much against it. But that is just adding one more signature to the total. So I believe that every petition needs to have a place where you can vote that you are against it. No comments would be allowed, so there would be no fighting, and you would have to be logged on in order to vote. Only one vote per petition per account. That way it is fair to the person/agency/government being petitioned. They deserve to see the entire picture. They deserve to see how many are in favor and support the said petition, but they also deserve to see the number that disagree or are against the same petition. How fair is is that only one side is actually presented? There may be one million supporters, yet twenty million that are not. So if the petition does go through and makes a change, then twenty million people are not happy. So before a law is changed or a business changes policy, they should be presented with all the information
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