Stop the chernobyl nuclear power plant decommissioning and convert it into a museum !

    We all know the Chernobyl npp , it's probably one of the most famous npps in the world . What happened there is horrible and should never be forgotten! Well the Chernobyl npp got shut down in the 2000s ( 3 remaining reactors operated ) and a few years ago it's decommissioning (destruction)begann . The Chernobyl npp is a monument and 1000s died due to it ( approx 5 died there ). Anyways we have to stop it's decommissioning because it's a memorial and it should be kept in a functional condition but shut down (without fuel so it won't be any dangerous ) and it should be monitored. The Chernobyl npp is a monument which will remind the humanity on what happens when we underestimate dangerous things like nuclear power . It can be used to prevent such accidents and to honor the people that died due to it ! Please sign the petition to avoid such accidents and to honor the fallen ones ( ps a npp decommissioning also creates tons of radiative waste and some leaks and it's not dangerous to keep a npp without fuel if it gets monitored and it won't be the first npp that gets converted into a museum )
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